RRN, hereinafter called THE CONTRACTORS, hereby give notice that:
- Estimates are subject to amendment if not accepted in writing within 14 days, and are furnished on the understanding that the work is carried on without interruption. Delay may increase the cost and necessitate an extra charge. Removal to be completed 60 days from date of quotation, if later, charges will be reviewed
- Estimates are furnished on the assumption that it will be possible to effect the removal of the goods by means of the ordinary staircases and doorways and that there is an adequate and practical road and approach to the house available for the removal vans, otherwise an extra charge may be incurred. Should window or other tackle be necessary it will be used at the discretion of the CONTRACTOR’S risk only. Estimates do not ordinarily include the taking down or putting up of fixtures, curtains, gas or electric fittings, the relaying or fitting of carpets or floor cloths, the refixing of blinds, comices, pelmets or other fittings, the rehanging of pictures or the refixing of mirrors, etc. Extra charges will be incurred for the services
- Every endeavour will be made to complete the removal or packing by the time desired; but the CONTRACTORS cannot accept liability should a delay arise in railway, sea or road transitor through stress of weather, labour troubles, mechanical breakdown, or from any other causes beyond their control.
- No agent or man employed by the CONTRACTORS has any authority to alter or qualify in any way the terms or conditions of an estimate, nor to enter into any contract on their behalf, nor to sign any receipt or document which has not previously been submitted to and approved by, the CONTRACTORS. When a contract is made for a specified quantity, distance or service and additional services are rendered, extra charges will be raised.
- The CONTRACTORS will not accept for removal packing or storage any dangerous inflammable or explosive article or substance, or for storage of articles of food or anything likely to encourage vermin or other pets, and the Customer shall be liable for any damage that may be suffered by the CONTRACTORS or any third party through the introduction of any such article or substance by the Customer. If any such article or substance is discovered, the CONTRACTORS may, at their discretion, remove, destroy or otherwise dispose of the same, and shall not be responsible or accountable for the value thereof. Unsealed paint tins must not be loaded for long distance removals.
- The CONTRACTORS shall not be liable for damage to sanctuary, the mechanism of clocks barometers, scientific musical and other instruments, electrical and other appliances. These articles may suffer injury without negligence during removal or handling and mechanism may require disconnection of electrical apparatus, such as refrigerators, electrical stoves, washing machines and the dismantling of aerials. These services should be done by a qualified electrician. The CONTRACTORS do not accept any liability in respect of such injury or non-adjustment of the internal mechanism of such articles but will endeavour to effect insurance against such risks upon request. Plant pots to be empty, if possible. CONTRACTOR not responsible for any plants transported or stored.
- The CONTRACTORS shall not be responsible for the loss of, for failure to produce, or for damage to any article contained in drawers, wardrobes, cabinets or other articles of furniture or in any package or case not packed or unpacked by their employees: not for plate, jewellery, currency, coin or other valuables, unless the same shall be specially given to their foreman under seal, and written notice of the value thereof shall have been rendered by the CONTRACTORS prior to the date of removal or storage, or the commencement of the packing nor in respect of any property not set forth and described in the Inventory. The CONTRACTORS will not under any circumstances be responsible for loss of keys; these should be retained by the customer. All small articles should be packed in cases. All hobby items to be packed by owner. If packed by CONTRACTOR it will be at Customers risk.
- All goods are moved, packed and/or warehoused by the CONTRACTORS solely at the risk of the owner, and the CONTRACTORS, their servants or agents shall be under no liability in respect of loss or damage to the goods of customers whilst in transit, in the control of the CONTRACTORS and/or their agents or whilst being packed by the CONTRACTORS and/or their agents. It is encumbant upon the customer to insure his goods for loss or damage. The CONTRACTORS will effect insurance on behalf of the customer against loss or damage provided they receive full instructions in writing and the premium is duly paid prior to the removal packing or storage. In case of damages a claim will be paid only after an item is repaired and found to be dissatisfactory.
- The CONTRACTORS charges shall be payable to them or their agents as soon as any kind of the goods removed under this Contract shall be tendered for delivery outside the premises at which they are to be delivered or, in the case of goods stored or received for packing, prior to the delivery or removal or despatch from the premises of the CONTRACTORS and the CONTRACTORS shall have a general lien upon the said goods for all moneys payable to the CONTRACTORS, and if part of the said goods have been delivered, or removed or dispatched from the said premises of the CONTRACTORS shall have a general lien upon the remainder of such goods for such moneys until the same shall have been paid. The CONTRACTORS will charge warehouse rent and other expenses incurred during all periods which a lien on the goods is being asserted and all these conditions shall apply.
- The CONTRACTORS shall not under any circumstances be liable to the customer for loss or damage caused to goods by damp, heat, light, atmospheric conditions, dust, moth, vermin, insects, or rust, or for loss or damage by Act of God, storm, riot, civil commotion, invasion, war, railway or road, accidents, marine risks, or deterioration of articles in the normal course of storage, deterioration of or deficiency in articles of a perishable nature, or for loss or damage due to causes beyond their control.
- Every customer sending property to be warehoused is required to furnish an address to which communication accounts, etc. may be directed, and to register his signature with the CONTRACTORS for mutual protection. On receipt of the goods into the Depository the Contractors shall forward to the Customer an inventory of the goods, and such inventory shall be final and conclusive between the CONTRACTORS and the Customer, unless some discrepancy be pointed out in writing within ten days. An inventory shall not be required to state the contents of any article, suite or case.
- The charges for storage are payable monthly in advance and exclusive of the cost of removing, packing, stowing away and unstowing. A charge for receiving or handling will be made to customers who may convey their own goods to or from the Depository.
- If the rent or other charges due to the CONTRACTORS in respect of any goods held by them shall be 3 months in arrear. The CONTRACTORS shall, after sending by post to the customer or to his agent, at the last address known to them, one calendar months notice of their intention to sell such goods have full power to open and examine the whole of the property and to sell such goods or any part thereof by public auction or private treaty; both to obtain their charges and also to clear the warehouse and to retain and apply the proceeds of the sale of the goods so sold (less the costs of the sale) in payment of or towards all charges payable to the CONTRACTORS in respect of such goods.
- At least three (3) clear days notice plus payment (7 days at month ends) must be given to the CONTRACTORS before the removal of any goods from the warehouse will be undertaken. Requests for access to goods must be made at the office the day before. A minimum of R 150.00 will be charged for breaking a stack either to examine goods or remove one or a few items.
- The CONTRACTORS do not undertake to deliver goods from the warehouse without an order in writing signed by the customer who should be present to check the inventory and give a receipt for the goods, provided that the CONTRACTORS shall not be liable for deliveries bona fide made other than on an order in writing signed by the customer. The CONTRACTORS shall not be liable for any loss or damage after the goods leave their hands.
- Should any claim for damage or loss arise under this Contract, it must be endorsed on the delivery note and be put in writing to reach contractor not later than 3 days after completion of removal. Also, item to be returned with that driver to obviate repair delays and inconvenience of customer being without goods.
- The CONTRACTORS shall not be held liable for damage however caused to buildings, doors, walls, stairs, landing or windows, and landings in the house, nor for damage however caused to pictures, brackets, lamps or other objects projecting from walls, or hanging from ceilings. It shall be incumbent upon the Client to have all such articles sufficiently protected or removed to a place of safety. The client shall indemnify the CONTRACTORS against claims, costs, charges and demands in respect of any of the said matters. The CONTRACTORS will not be liable for any damage to paths, roads or driveways which lead to premises.
- It is incumbent on the client to see that nothing required to be removed is left behind, and that no goods and/or fixtures are taken away in error, and that protection is arranged for articles left in unoccupied premises, as the CONTRACTORS will not under any circumstances accept such responsibility or be liable in respect thereof.
- Estimates are subject to the CONTRACTORS having their vehicles and staff available for dates required at the times the signed acceptance is received by them.
- The CONTRACTORS may at any time during the removal transfer the goods from vehicle to vehicle, and pending transfer, into their own or any other storing place, and when goods are in store they may remove them from one store to another.
- The Customer warrants that the property handed to the CONTRACTORS is either his own property or he has the full and absolute authority of all persons owning or interested in the property to into the Contract and agrees to indemnify the CONTRACTORS against all claims, costs, charges and demands made against the CONTRACTORS in respect thereof.
- A claim or dispute shall not be made the reason for deferring payment of any moneys payable to the CONTRACTORS. If a dispute leads to legal action and then court, all hearings to be held at the Magistrate’s Court in East London.
- The CONTRACTORS shall have power to pay all charges claimed by previous storage, packing or other contractors, carriers or forwarding agents and any other charges whatsoever, and shall have a general lien, pending refund thereof by clients, and the powers in exercise a lien herein before provided shall apply.
- All packing material special padding or covers provided and used by the CONTRACTORS during the packing, storage or removal of the goods shall remain the property of the CONTRACTORS and must be returned to them unless otherwise arranged and paid for by the Customer.
- If the value of the contents of any one container together with the value of the container itself, packed either by the owner or the consignor, exceeds R20.00 then a detailed list of the contents, together with the value of each individual item must be supplied BEFORE the cartage is undertaken (unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the carrier). If a claim arises a maximum of R20.00 per container will be reimbursed if no details were supplied.
- NO cancellations will be accepted. Customer is liable for full payment after Contractor receives the ACCEPTANCE FORM.
Customers should give notice to their Fire Insurance Office when property is being removed, warehoused or packed, and arrange with the Insurance Company to hold same covered whilst the work is in progress, or the CONTRACTORS will arrange such insurance on request.
- O.M.S - Old Marks and Scratches
- D - Damaged
- O.P - Owner Packed
- St. - Stains
- S.H - Second Hand
- C.B - Cigarette Burns
- W.C.U - Working Condition Unknown
- T - Torn
- RRN - Packed by Contractor (only as acceptance form)
- C.U - Contents / Condition Unknown
- Br. - Broken
In case of any queries, please Contact Us